Drogheda Grammar School

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Mobile phone policy 


School Mobile Phone and Electronic Device Policy


  1. Pupils are strongly discouraged from bringing mobile phones to school unless it is absolutely necessary.
  2. Electronic devices such as I-pods, Game Boys, PSPs, and DSs etc. are also forbidden as they can be very intrusive, distracting and anti-social in a school environment.

Our school recognises the fact that some parents may want pupils to have phones for use in an emergency and travelling to/from school.


Parents are asked to consider the following before allowing a pupil bring a mobile phone to school.

  • Mobile phones and electronic devices are valuable items which may lead to theft.
  • The school is not responsible for replacing a lost, stolen or damaged phone or electronic device.
  • Use of camera phones can lead to child protection and data protection issues
  • Mobile phones can be used for bullying purposes.


Where a pupil brings a mobile phone to school, the phone must remain switched off and in the locker during the school day and may not be used, for any purpose, on school premises, grounds or during off-site school activities (such as matches , outings or extra-curricular activities.)


The mobile phone must be turned off on the school grounds and must remain off until the pupil is finished school activities and going home.

It is not permitted to have the phone on silent mode, the phone must be fully switched off.


If brought to school the mobile phone must be locked in a school locker. It cannot be on their person at any time.


The only exception to this would be in the case of an emergency or with the express approval of a member of the teaching staff.  If a parent needs to contact a child urgently during the school day they should ring the school office.



Pupils who disregard this policy and use a mobile phone on the school premises without permission will be required to hand over their phone to a member of staff on request. The mobile phone will be left (in a sealed envelope) with the Deputy Principal for the following duration:

  •  1st occasion: The phone can be collected from the Deputy Principal by the student on the same day at 3:40pm.
  • 2nd occasion: The phone will be held by the Deputy Principal and returned the following day at 3:40pm. The Parent/Guardian will be contacted by school management regarding this offence.
  • 3rd Occasion-. An automatic afterschool detention on Friday applies. The phone must be collected by parent/guardian following an arranged meeting with school management.

 (Failure to follow these instructions will result in further sanctions as outlined in the Code of Behaviour.)

Repeated offences may result in suspension and a request that their mobile phone/ personal music/entertainment equipment be permanently left at home.

Failure to hand over a mobile phone to a teacher when requested will be treated as a serious offence and will be reported to the Principal/Deputy Principal and dealt with under the school’s Code of Behaviour.

Students who fail to hand over their phone will not be allowed to return to class until the matter is resolved to the school’s satisfaction.  Parents will be contacted immediately.

The school accepts no responsibility for replacing lost, stolen or damaged mobile phones. The safety and security of mobile phones is solely a matter for pupils/ parents/guardians.

The school accepts no responsibility for pupils who lose or have their mobile phones stolen while travelling to and from school.

Pupils using mobile phones to bully other pupils or send offensive messages/calls will face disciplinary actions as per the School Code of Behaviour/Anti Bullying Policy.

It should be noted that it is a criminal offence to use a mobile phone to menace, harass or offend another person. As such, if action as sanctioned by the school in this regard is deemed ineffective, as with all such incidents, the school may consider it appropriate to involve the Gardaí.

Communication between parents and students during school hours

  • All communication with home in respect of illness or emergencies is to be made through the school office. The school phone is made readily available, free of charge, for such communication. For safety reasons it is important that school management is aware of students leaving the school premises during the day so mobile phones are not to be used to contact parents for this purpose.
  • Parents/Guardians who need to contact a pupil urgently may do so by calling the school office at 041-9838281 and leave a message on the answering machine, if the phone is unattended at that time. As the answering service is checked at regular intervals any messages will be promptly relayed to students.


Policy approved by the Board of Management following consultation and approval by the PTA and Student Council- June 2018