Drogheda Grammar School

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School Fees

Our school uses the fees paid by each family to provide the wide range of subjects, extra-curricular activities, facilities and small classes that each student has access too.

The fees are comprehensive and cover tuition, extra-curricular activities, games, buses to matches etc.  

Fees do not include books or stationery or uniform.


Current Academic Fee –  €4,380


Once a place is offered to a student in writing – a deposit of €500 is required to secure the place.

This is fully refundable once a student completes their 6 years of education in Drogheda Grammar School.

€200 of this deposit is offset against the student’s 1 Year Fees and the balance (300) is refunded once the student completes his/her Leaving Certificate and the fees are paid in full.

If a student has confirmed a place and pays the deposit and subsequently decides to cancel his/her place the deposit of 500 is not refundable.

If a student does not complete the full six year programme at Drogheda Grammar School the full deposit is  also not refunded in this instance.

Collection of Fees/Payment Options

Parents/Guardians will be invoiced for fees in August each year.

The following payment options are available;

  • In full: due on/before 1st September
  • Two Instalments:   50% due on/before 1st September & Balance due on/before 1st February
  • Seven Instalments:   7 Standing Order Payments – September to March

Payments may be issued by cheque, bank draft or bank transfer.

Please contact the Bursar to arrange a standing order and for any other query in relation to fees – 041-9838281 ext: 103


If a student transfers to another school the school requires at least one term’s notice in writing.

Should one term’s notice not be given, a full fee for a single term will be charged in lieu.


Q. What are the fees for the current academic year?

The fees for academic year 2024/25 are currently €4,380

Q. How are the fees decided on?

The fees for the following academic year are approved by the Board of Management in April/May of the previous academic year. The Finance committee will examine the budgets, past, current and future expenditure and recommend the fee for the following year.  This is then discussed by the Board of Management and agreed.

Q. Do the fees increase?

Yes, they can do, as it is the Board’s responsibility to cover the rising costs of running the school and inflation across society.  These costs vary year on year but areas such as utilities, insurance, salaries etc can and do increase. The school must cover these as well as constantly looking to improve the facilities, the standards and the ranges of subjects and activities we provide. There is also a responsibility to plan ahead for future developments such as new classrooms, sporting facilities, equipment etc so they can be built/provided quickly and without the need to levy additional and further increased costs on parents.

It is the Board’s intention to manage the school’s finances and plan the fees in a manner that is steady, planned and fair on parents who are committed to their son/daughter’s education. The vast majority of Board members are either current or past parents and are very aware of ensuring decisions are planned and considerate. Any increase in recent years has been a maximum of 2.5% to ensure there is no large increase at any time. It has varied between 1 and 2.5% if increased in recent years.

When planning ahead for future years it is reasonable to assume that the fees will increase at times, but only in small increments as opposed to a large increase in one year.

Q. How can the fees be paid?

Parents will be invoiced in August and the fees can be paid in full at the start of the year, two payments can be made; one in August and the other in January or you may wish to organise a standing order over seven months.  Contact bursar@droghedagrammarschool.ie for further information and bank details.

Q. What should we do if we can longer afford the fees?

Where a parent/guardian are not in a position to pay the school fees as they fall due, it is their responsibility to contact and inform the school. The issue will then be referred to the Finance Committee of the Board of Management for consideration and if appropriate a revised payment structure will be put in place.

Q. Will we need to pay a refundable deposit to secure a place?

Yes. But only after a place has been offered to them as per our admissions process. Then there is a 500 euro deposit required to secure the place. If the place is accepted, 200 euro of this deposit is offset against fees in first year. The balance is then refunded on completion of the Leaving Cert.

The deposit is not refunded should someone accept a place and not take it up (to deter people holding places and then not taking them) – as we are heavily oversubscribed we wish to avoid this.

The deposit is also not refunded if their son/daughter leaves the school before completing the Leaving Certificate.

Q. Are there discounts available for siblings?

Yes, where there are 2 or more students from the same family in the school at the same time, a discount of 15% is available on the second and subsequent child’s fees.

Q. If I have more questions or require further clarification who do I contact?

More detailed information is contained in our Fees policy available elsewhere on the website. Alternatively, please email bursar@droghedagrammarschool.ie for further information.