Drogheda Grammar School

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Admissions FAQS

 Some questions you may have.

  • When can I apply for a place for my son/daughter in Form 1?

You may apply during the admissions window (October when pupil is in 6th class). This is the only period where the school will accept formal applications into Form 1 for the next academic year (following  September). Notification about this window will be on our website. If you fill out an expression of interest form for relevant year, you will receive an email notification regarding the admissions window.

  • If I apply early do I get a place?

No. under our old policy this was a criteria but under the new policy all applications are submitted during the admissions window. There are other criteria applied (see admissions policy) but date/time of application is not one. However, applications can only be submitted during this window-

  • I submitted an application form before February 1st 2020, what is the process?

All applications received up to 1st February 2020 for 2021, 2022, 2023, 2024 and 2025 are on a waiting list and places will be offered as per our Admissions Policy prior to February 1st 2020. The order is as follows:

  1. Siblings
  2. Date of receipt of fully complete application

Up to and including 2025 we fill places from these lists first. When this list is finished we move onto the next stage (those who submit applications during the admissions window each October). Remaining places are filled using the new Admissions policy.

  • I filled out an expression of interest form after February 1st 2020, what is the process?

By filling out this form you have indicated to us that you would like to be contacted when admissions open for the year your son/daughter is applying for. We will notify you of the dates when you can apply for a place. This does not give you an advantage over anyone else and all applications can only be submitted during the admissions window each year. (apart from the who applied before February 1st 2020 for years up to 2025).

  • I am applying Post Feb 1st 2020, what is the process?

Our first step until 2025 is to fill places under the old policy as these families applied in good faith under the old policy. This process is being run down and will end in 2025.

Then we move on to our new policy process each year (see admissions policy). We expect to fill places from both processes as not everyone who submitted an application form will accept a place if offered. As we get closer to 2025 we will find more will be offered places under the new policy. Our advice is to submit an application during the window as we cannot offer a place (should it arise) if you haven’t applied.

  • Why are there seemingly 2 processes until 2025?

Up until February 1st 2020 families could apply at any stage for a place in our school and often put names down years in advance. With the new admissions regulations this has to change. However, there is a 5 year window to allow for this system to phase out, which is fair as the original application process should be honoured in accordance with the terms and conditions at that time.


  • My son/daughter is due to begin secondary school after 2025, what do I need to do?
    • If you submitted an application form before February 1st 2020 and you are applying for a place after 2025 you will need to reapply during the application window. 
    • We have your details on file and will contact you using the details you provided to advise you when the application window will open.   It is your responsibility to inform the school of any changes to your contact details.   
    • If you haven’t filled out an expression of interest form you can do that now. We will then be in touch when the time comes.


  • What is the difference between an expression of interest form and an application form?

An expression of interest form is registering your contact details only. It is not an application form.

An application form is the only official means of applying for a place. It can only be filled out during the admissions window each year (early October). Each application form is then categorized according to our admissions policy to determine allocation of places.


  • Do I need to pay a fee to apply?

No. If you are offered a place you will then be asked to pay a 500 euro deposit to accept the place being offered.  This is not refunded if you then subsequently choose not to take up the place.

The deposit is credited against the first year fees (200 euro) and the remaining 300 will be returned when your son/daughter completes their Leaving Certificate in Drogheda Grammar School.

  • Past pupils

Under new rules which come into force for admissions for the 2021/2022 school year, no more than 25 per cent of school places may be set aside for children or grandchildren of past pupils. It rarely if ever reaches this threshold. Please note this only applies when we are using the new admissions policy/process.

  • Additional Educational Needs and admissions process

Schools will not be permitted to ask about a child’s academic ability or aptitude as part of the admissions process. Some parents, however, may wish to bring this up in any case to ensure they are satisfied the school has the experience of assisting children with additional educational needs.

  • Applications for a year other than first year.

Our application window for Post Primary Transfers opens on 1st March - 30th April 2025. The application form will be available online on  the Post Primary Transfers page.