Drogheda Grammar School

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The Guidance Counsellor in DGS is Deirdre Keane and she can be contacted via email at d.keane@droghedagrammarschool.ie 

Career Guidance and Counselling is at the heart of our Pastoral Care System at Drogheda Grammar. Our Guidance Counsellor has a caring and supportive role in the school where students can get advice and supports about a range of issues.   From relationships to study skills and family difficulties to college advice and information, the Guidance Counsellor is on hand to meet with students in a confidential environment where they can be cared for and supported throughout their time in the school. 

Counselling helps pupils explore their thoughts and feelings and the choices open to them. It gives care and support to pupils learning to cope with the many aspects of growing up and school life and with their individual personal circumstances. Drogheda Grammar endeavours to offer a comprehensive guidance and counselling service to all our students. The Guidance Counsellor liases with Year Heads, Class Teachers, Learning Support Teachers, Subject Teachers, Deputy Principal and Principal. She also has regular contact with parents, psychologists, employers, colleges, social services, counsellors and the Department of Education

The Career Guidance and Counselling Dept within Drogheda Grammar provides support for all students in three main areas:

–  Personal and Social Guidance
–  Educational Guidance
–  Career and Vocational Guidance

Personal and Social Guidance

This area empowers students to make decisions, solve problems, change behaviour and resolve issues in their lives, through –

  1. individual counselling,
  2. group counselling,
  3. referral to a counsellor or other outside agency.

Educational Guidance

This area of Guidance recognises students’ different learning abilities and their inherent talents. Each student is encouraged to optimise their learning skills. This involves –

  1. helping students with choices as with subjects, courses and levels,
  2. aiding motivation and management learning,
  3. showing students how to use available resources, study skills and exam techniques,
  4. demonstrating how to use computer aided research.

Career and Vocational Guidance

This area of Guidance helps students to identify career and vocational goals by developing their self-analysis skills and sourcing and managing career information. This involves –

  1. having an understanding of the pathways into higher education,
  2. making and carrying out appropriate life choices and plans,
  3. practising interview techniques, CV writing and cover letters,
  4. identifying strengths and weakness from the results of various interest and aptitude tests,
  5. becoming aware of employment opportunities

Further information can be found by following this link:

DGS careers portal